Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Read the fine Print.

I have been writing travel blogs for years now and the number one question I get asked about medical travel insurance is: " why my coverage won't cover water/beach activities." What's the point of going on vacation is you can't have any fun. Well, this is special insurance you can but for such activities, but it's going to cost you. Google search adventure insurance and you will find companies that will cover off the wall activities.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Medical Travel Insurance

When you're away from home, even a small accident can become a big expense. CIBC Travel Insurance helps protect you from unexpected costs due to emergencies - no matter where in the world you're travelling.

This is just one that we use.

Canadians now need travel insurance for Cuba.

That's right! If you are planning to fly to Cuba and your Canadian, you will now need proof of medical insurance. This Must be approved by the Cuban government. We don't have the list yet of companies that are approved, but check back.